Friday 7 July 2017

Week 39 - 9 Months With Atlantic Global Asset Management and Questra World

9 Months ago to the day I opened my account with Atlantic Global Asset Management

Welcome to my Week 39 update.

Questra World Webinar

Earlier in the week Questra World held a live Webinar from their Madrid Offices. The latter half was taken up by Antoninou Vieira Robalo, the President of AGAM. During his presentation he spoke about their efforts in obtaining Financial Licences in order to operate as a Bank within the countries where they have most members, and their move towards the latest in FinTech (Financial Technology), and in particular, cryptocurrencies and transactions that use Blockchain.

He also told us that those who have purchased the largest VIP packages have done so using cryptocurrency as there's no way that moving such a large amount of money via the regular outdated banking system would be impossible.

He also spoke of the changes ADVcash have made including adding additional charges to their services and why they recommend that we move to using Bitcoin or Ethereum to fund and withdraw from our AGAM accounts.

You can watch a recording of this brilliant webinar below:

Funding A New AGAM Account

After watching the webinar, I had a delightful chat with one of my team members who's doing really well and building her own fantastic team.

Before this news and the changes to the funding options we would recommend to new people to fund their AGAM account using ADVcash.

Now we both recommend opening an account with a Bitcoin Network such as Coinbase, Blockchain and Xapo, purchasing bitcoin through them, and then fund their AGAM account from the Bitcoin they purchased.

Which Bitcoin Network or Wallet to use depends on a number of factors including where you live! To help, here is a link to information on how to purchase bitcoin. 

When it comes to withdrawing, have no fear as there are companies out there offering cards which can be funded with bitcoin. Xapo and BitPay are two such companies. 

Currently, I withdraw from AGAM to a Bitcoin Wallet which I hold with BlockChain then send those bitcoins to my ADVcash Mastercard and spend my funds that way! I find it quick and painless!

This Weeks Results


The company Atlantic Global Asset Management is pleased to announce of the completion of the current working week. The managers of Atlantic Global Asset Management have once again demonstrated the high level of professionalism, through a series of lucrative deals for the company and its customers by producing the result in the amount of 5.48% of the profit.
We congratulate and thank you for your cooperation!
Best Regards, Atlantic Global Asset Management.

This week we all got a very respectable 5.4892% return from the Fund Managers. 

Given a return of 5.4792%, this is what the first six investment packages paid out, from the €90 white up to the €21,870 Black package (or suitcase as some call it).

Within my Atlantic Global Asset Management account I have 1 x Black, 1 x Blue, 1 x Yellow and 1 x Green package working for me.  They are my ASSETS as they put money IN my pocket!

I suppose I shouldn't forget the €90 Standard package that I purchased by accident. The earning from this package are 'blocked' until the 365 day are over, then the money will be released and added to my balance.

This was the email I got for my 39 week:

This week I plan to purchase another €810 Green Investment Package and continue to grow my account. It's quite a straight forward week. There's no Packs to upgrade or anything that exciting happening within my account - just a simple compounding of part of my earnings and withdrawing the rest, by bitcoin of course.

I'm sharing my proof of my results and progress with you simply because I want you to see what's possible. 

Put you money into assets and your money will go to work for you. Putting your money in a 'safe' bank is:

A). Not as safe as you think (Here's a YouTube Channel for you to take a look at).  
B). Paying you next to nothing in yearly interest. In some countries you have to pay them to keep your money (negative interest!). 

Bill Thomson

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