Monday 6 November 2017

Week 56 with Atlantic Global Asset Management and Questra World

This week say a wonderful return from the Fund Managers at Atlantic Global Asset Management of 5.5464%.

I was quite surprised by my earnings this week. I did compound a lot of last week's earnings and upgrade my Investment Packages. Add that to a very nice return from the Fund Managers, and we're bound to get a great return!

Entering the return of 5.5464% into my magic little spreadsheet you can see exactly what the €90 White, €270 Yellow, €810 Green, €2,430 Blue, €7,290 Red and the fantastic €21,870 Black Packs earned. 

I break the figures down to show the Gross figure before anything is taken off, and the Nett figure once the Fund Manager's commission has been deducted.

With this week's earnings, I purchased another €810 Green, which was almost exactly half of my earnings!

Next week should be interesting as I should be able to upgrade a few of my Green and Blue Investment Packages to a new €7,290 Red, thus saving up to 9% on Commissions. 

On-Line Conference

I'm also very excited to see that on Tuesday 7th November, Questra World and AGAM will be holding another live-stream webinar.

Online conference on November 7, 2017

Hello dear partners Questra World, we inform you that on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, at 12 noon on the Madrid time, an online conference will be held in which the President of Questra World will participate - Jose Manuel Gilabert and the president of the Atlantic Global Asset Management - Antonino Vieira Robalo.
In the conference you will learn the latest news about companies, the strategy for future development and much more.

Date: November 7, 2017;
Time spending:
London - 11.00;
Madrid - 12.00;
Berlin - 12.00;
Moscow - 13.00;
Astana - 4pm;
Hanoi - 5 pm;
Beijing - 18.00.
Best Regards, Questra World.

Questra World: World Facebook: World YouTube:

I highly recommend watching this broadcast, even if it's after the event. It will be streamed on their YouTube Channel for everyone to watch at their leisure.

Here is the direct link to the Live Stream:

Over in Questra World

Things are going well over in Questra World.

As you can see from the image above that I'm still at Level 3, Silver Agent, but it won't be long at all before I hit Gold Agent, Level 4.

We have 24 active partners within the team! Congratulations folks! 

It's really great, heartwarming even, seeing my team grow, getting out there and building their own team!

Remember, once you've purchased your first Investment Package over in Atlantic Global Asset Management, your referral links will activate in the website.

The link to the right takes your prospects directly to the sign-up page, and the one on the left takes people to the AGAM website.

You do not need to sponsor anyone to make this work, especially when AGAM's earning us around 5% per week, but the option to build a team is very much there!

If you're happy about earning 5% per week on your money, do you know anyone else who would like to earn the same as you? If so, share your link with them.

Bill Thomson

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